Construction of Structural and Cultural Khawarij Understanding Through Prophetic Hadith

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Muhammad Azwar
Irwan Evarial
Ni'matuz Zuhrah
Muhammad Munzir


This research is entitled Construction of Structural and Cultural Khawarij Understanding Through Prophetic Hadith. This research is important to do given the growing spread of intolerance and extremism in understanding and explaining religion. The understanding known as neo-khawarij or modern-day khawarij is commonly found in modern Islamic society. This research will reveal the characteristics of the khawarij understanding contained in the hadith of the prophet. The thing that makes this discussion interesting is because someone who is identified as having a neo-Khawarij understanding actually reminds the public of the dangers of a Kharijit understanding that is unknowingly spread by themselves. This study uses qualitative methods, namely research that uses text as study material. Data sources in this study are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The primary data source was obtained from the Prophet's explanation in his hadith about the characteristics of the understanding of the khawarij, while the secondary data source was obtained from the explanation of the scholars about the characteristics of the understanding of the khawarij, either through the book of hadith syarah, or other books. The data collection method was carried out by direct quoting the texts of the prophet's hadith about the characteristics of the khawarij and through indirect quoting from the statements of the scholars in their books. The method of data processing is carried out through a multidisciplinary approach, the data that has been collected is then elaborated through approaches to hadith and history. The results of this study indicate that the Prophet Muhammad has conveyed the characteristics of the Khawarij group or thought that will emerge at the end of time. At the end of time, they were no longer known as the khawarij group as in the time of the Companions, but had a mindset and muamalah like the khawarij group. Some of the characteristics of the khawarij are related to the physical, some are related to intelligence, some are related to muamalah, and some are related to worship. The khawarij at the end of time were no longer affiliated with the past khawarij group known as structural khawarij, the khawarij at the end of time only adopted the way of thinking, the way of muamalah and the way of worship of the old khawarij, so they were known as the cultural khawarij.

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How to Cite
Azwar, M., Evarial, I. E., Zuhrah, N. Z., & Munzir, M. M. (2023). Construction of Structural and Cultural Khawarij Understanding Through Prophetic Hadith. International Journal of Transdisciplinary Knowledge, 4(1), 35–50.


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