Contributions of “Tafsir Ayat Suci dalam Renungan” for West Java (Methodological Analysis of “Tafsir Ayat Suci dalam Renungan” by Moh. E. Hasyim)

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Irwan Evarial
Muhammad Azwar


Moh. E. Hasyim is a mufassir born in Ciamis Regency, West Java Province, on August 15, 1916 AD. The outstanding work of Tafsir Ayat Suci Lenyepaneun, later translated into Indonesian, namely Tafsir Ayat Suci dalam Renungan, explores the breadth of the author's knowledge by using straightforward Indonesian language so that almost no words or sentences are difficult for people to understand. Presented in the form of Tafsir Tahlili, it provides several alternative solutions to various problems in the modern era. Tafsir Ayat Suci Dalam Renungan uses the method of thought because the intended readers are Indonesian people who are less familiar with Arabic and majas, so anonymous words that are easily understood by the audience.

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How to Cite
Evarial, I., & Azwar, M. (2022). Contributions of “Tafsir Ayat Suci dalam Renungan” for West Java (Methodological Analysis of “Tafsir Ayat Suci dalam Renungan” by Moh. E. Hasyim). International Journal of Transdisciplinary Knowledge, 3(2), 6–25.


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