The Use of Online Quizz During Bipa Learning in New Delhi

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Muhammad Kurniawan Rachman


This study explores the use of online quizzes in Indonesian for Foreign Speakers classes in New Delhi. This study conducted a survey of 28 respondents to find out their opinions about the use of online quizzes, especially Kahoot, Wordwall, and Quizziz. The results showed that 71% of respondents gave a perfect score of 10 out of 10 to the use of online quizzes. The majority of students chose Kahoot as their favorite online quiz platform, while others chose Quizziz and a combination of the three. The study concluded that online quizzes were considered an effective way to evaluate and summarize class material by students.

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How to Cite
Kurniawan Rachman, M. . (2024). The Use of Online Quizz During Bipa Learning in New Delhi. International Journal of Transdisciplinary Knowledge, 5(1), 21–31.


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