Strategy for Developing Religious and Moral Aspects in Early Childhood

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Faldin Baen


This research underscores the significance of cultivating moral and religious values in early childhood, as these aspects form the foundation for the development of children's behavior, interests, and talents. To effectively nurture morals and religion, educators must employ strategic approaches both in classroom instruction and in their interactions with students within the school environment. This study employs qualitative methods, specifically a literature review, which involved collecting, reducing, compiling, organizing, and discussing relevant articles. The research was conducted at TKIT Al Huda Center in Semarang City. The findings suggest that effective learning media, such as Al-Quran, audio storytelling, series images, multimedia resources, and educational games, can significantly enhance the development of moral and religious values in children. Additionally, strategies such as engaging in play, introducing Asmaul Husna, conducting religious activities, and storytelling were identified as effective in fostering moral and religious growth in early childhood.

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How to Cite
Baen, F. (2024). Strategy for Developing Religious and Moral Aspects in Early Childhood. International Journal of Transdisciplinary Knowledge, 5(1), 1–8.


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